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Trying to kill Jonathan (Friday, Mar. 18, 2005)

Swinging into the work car-park this morning, there's Jonathan about to cross the road. Instinctively I slow down and wait for him, but he spies me and stops, not moving till I move.

So I park up, and he comes over all smiles "I stopped, because I thought you were going to drive through the puddle and splash me!" - that hadn't even occurred to me, not when running him over was an option.

Does that mean I'm evil? I don't think I am, maybe I just hadn't spotted the puddle. Actually, looking back the puddle was more like a river because of a burst water main, so that excuse seems somewhat lame.

Last ever Friday at work, and taking everyone down the pub - why when you leave or it's your birthday do you end up buying the drinks? It explains why so many people in the office say their birthday is the 29th February. There are always that bunch of people who pat you on the back at the pub, say "Congratulations" and get their pint, and you're thinking "I've never seen you in my life". I reckon they frequent pubs every Friday lying in wait for birthday/leaving do's. Well I'll be keeping an eye out for those low-lifes let me tell you...

Still can't find the hub-caps, garage door still knackered, and to add to the woe I have a throbbing knee from wacking it against the bannister on the top of the stairs, whilst doing a silly dance to amuse the kids. They didn't find the dance funny, but laughed histerically as I writhed around in pain on the floor clutching my leg. Little sods.

Roll on lunch time and impending bankruptcy...

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