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Nearly Getting Sacked (Part 2) (Thursday, Apr. 14, 2005)

Ok, so kneeing the chief exec in the head - not smart. So been on my best behaviour ever since, and things have been going pretty well. No-ones mentioned the 'incident' since, though no-one's seen the chief exec since either. Hmmm.

So as I said, behaving well - that is until they installed MSN Messenger 7 onto our computers. Now Messenger 7 has some really neat new features, but one of the best features is the fact that you can use a mini version of Windows Paint to hand-write messages. Or in my case, draw a big knob and message it to someone in the office. But not just any old knob. No, not your 5 second quick scrawl, no mine was really detailed. Unfortunately, my boss chose to stand behind me just as I started my masterpiece, and chose not to interupt me. If he had, then I wouldn't have spent a full 5 minutes on this beauty. I'd even used different colours for the pubes.

So when I'd finished and sent it, he coughed politely and just looked at me. Didn't say anything, just stared. Very un-nerving. Then he simply said, "not good" and walked off. much for best behaviour. Wasn't helped by the work colleague coming over and patting me on the back saying "that's the best knob I've ever seen".

Yeah, what a knob alright.

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