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Names For Death Metal Bands (Friday, Mar. 25, 2005) after the leaving drinks night out...not good. Without going into detail, it made me wonder why no-one had yet come up with the name "Taste Of Bile" for a heavy metal band. It conjures up all the images of disgust that are usually associated with death metal music. "Taste Of Bile" was also what I endured for most of Thursday - what a total lightweight - must have been a dirty glass.

Thinking about it, the whole sickness thing is such a great source of inspiration for death metal bands, asides from "Taste Of Bile" you could have the following:-

1. Gut Wrench
2. Vile Bile
3. From Beer to Here
4. Toilet Bowl Envy
5. Puke Like Nuke
6. Death Breath

Anyway I digress, thanks to everyone who did come out on Wednesday night, and as predicted, one part of the leaving present was indeed orange, and well, receiving an orange pouch of sex toys, yeah thanks guys, trying to not look coy with 70 odd onlookers. I'll get you back Mr Soper....

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